AERDF is seeking a new program executive director to prove the impossible in education »



Our Advanced, Inclusive Research and Development (R&D) programs are designed to learn what works with Black and Latino learners and students experiencing poverty, while creating bold PreK-12 solutions — practices, methods, prototypes, and tools — for the quality learning all students deserve.

We share the insights we identify from these impactful teaching and learning solutions, so learners across the country — in and outside the classroom — can thrive.

Assessment for Good transforms educational assessments by creating asset-based, culturally relevant tools enhanced with technology. 

EF+Math improves math outcomes by strengthening executive functioning skills that manage our attention, thoughts, emotions, and behavior.

Reading Reimagined develops foundational literacy skills in students who need on-going support tailored to their developmental stage.

We’re looking for a Program Executive Director to lead our next initiative, with a budget of up to $25M. Learn more & apply.

AERDF's Programs Are Developed Through an Advanced Inclusive R&D Approach

Inspired by the US federal government’s Advanced Research Projects Agency or ARPA initiatives that already exist in defense, health, energy, we ground our approach in Advanced R&D, which involves focused, shorter cycles of innovation with clear, ambitious goals to achieve a breakthrough.

Plus we inclusively engage a community of learners, educators, researchers, developers, and more from the beginning and throughout this process.

Together, we combine the two approaches to form our AERDF model: Advanced Inclusive R&D.

Through partnerships and “bridges” in the ecosystem, we bring our generalizable knowledge, insights, and solutions into the real world for others to carry forward and take to scale.

The result: scientific discovery and inventions of major breakthroughs that benefit PreK-12 teaching, learning and assessment systems.

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